Wednesday, November 7, 2012



Congratulations America! The best man won & my kids & I got to vote for him.
Time for Mitt & Co. to come to heel like good underdogs & help a winner get on with it!
4 more years - hurrah!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Day in America & I'm very nervous. Can't believe my fellow Americans would elect a heartless charlatan, but who knows? The very people Romney has no sympathy for - the bottom 25% of the 99% - seem to think he's their man. Terrifying.
Danish morning TV was all about the election too. The man-on-the-street interviewer looked all over Copenhagen to find a Dane who preferred Romney, but in vain.
I wish Danes could vote.

Valgdag i USA og jeg er meget nervøs. Kan ikke tro mine landsmænd ville vælge en hjerteløs charlatan, men hvem ved? Netop de mennesker Romney er mest ligeglad med - de nederste 25% af de 99% - synes at mene, han er deres mand. Rystende.
Dansk morgen TV handlede kun om valget. Manden-på-gaden intervieweren søgte med lys og lygte efter bare én, der ville indrømme at han/hun foretrak Romney. Forgæves.
Bare danskerne kunne stemme.

Friday, November 2, 2012

American elections on Tuesday.
If you can vote - VOTE for BARACK!!!
If not, send him good vibes & all the luck you can muster.

I seriously fear those treacherous Republicans might pull it off, with disastrous results for the whole world.
Mitt the Mental Midget has so far offended every single country & leader he has come into contact with during this campaign. Imagine the damage he could do as president. AArrrgh!

GO BARACK! My kids & I already voted, so there's 5 for Arizona.
Fingers crossed & then some!