regret is having night thoughts you can’t escape by playing the radio because
you’ve let your kids down time & again, often in the throes of love with
some dude who proved unworthy. That's what basically killed my mother-in-law, tragically.
Serious regret
is also realizing that what you did most was criticize your kids for everything
they did that veered from the path you had set.
– if you took never-going-to-make-the –same-mistakes-Mom-with-me to the extreme
& invented a whole bunch of new ones. But at least that shows originality.
regret can also be blaming Mom & Dad for everything that went wrong &
not owning up to what you did until too late. That one’s a real bitch.
regret about self sabotage & all the things you didn’t dare is bad too,
because the regret burns a lot of energy – as big a waste as putting toothpaste
tubes in a box with plastic around it or wrapping individual throat lozenges in
wax paper. (Thought I’d throw in a little ecology there.)
So – can you just get on with it by thinking
positive or using cognitive therapy? Is
serious regret only for wusses? I’m still working that one out.And what about acceptng the decline of the body? Not a regret, but a sorrow, or, if you are Mark Twain, a wanton insult. If you see it that way it's going to be tough aging.
Good grief, I'm sounding sanctimonious. Yucchh! Too bad I can't write like Mark Twain.
Decline of the body & serious regret - only one thing to do: fight it all the way, but try to be zen when it's time to surrender.
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