Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year Resolutions

How goes it with your New Year resolutions? My main one is that I still want to be here this time next year & in good health. Not so complicated, that one, even from this guilty segment of society known as the Elderly Burden. Yep, not only are there waaay too many of us aging Baby Boomers, we're also poised to go on & on. Last week we lost Peter O'Toole at 81 & Joan Fontaine at 96. (No, they have nothing to do with Boomers, but I was a fan of both.) Now I'd rather copy Ms. Fontaine, who died at home, presumably just from old age. Selfish, that, but I'll try to Make a Contribution to the local society along the way. That's also expected of this generation, mainly in the form of volunteer work. Fair enough.
     Other New Year resolutions? Drop a few kilos & take a load off my arthritic knees. Write more, write regularly, do an online course if that's what it takes. Exercise regularly is a no-brainer but luckily that just comes naturally. If you're hyper, you're hyper & it doesn't stop because you pass 65, you just tire out faster. I know because I am & I do. Take up yoga. Write more. Said that last year too - & the year before that. This year I'll take it more seriously because of a couple of concrete projects that augur well. Meditate more & get to the bottom of my penchant for wasting energy on regrets about stuff I can't do anything about anyway. My daughter gets after me for that - clever girl.
      All my December/Christmas To Do Lists start with "Cook a lot & love everybody" because that way I know at least one thing will get done. Keeping that thought too, all year. Write more.


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