unknown from an anthology for kids:
love the good old world, I do.
sing its praise in song & sonnet.
it's not a whole lot worse,
everybody picking on it.
That about
says it today, not? Then there's that classic of sappiness & inverted
tree-anatomy that we all had to study in grade school: Joyce Kilmer's TREES,
which starts
I think that I shall
never see
A poem lovely as a tree.
A tree whose hungry mouth is prest
Against the sweet earth's flowing
It gets
even dumber because if the tree's mouth is at the bottom, that "nest of
robins in its hair" must be pubic hair, since apparently the tree is
standing on its head on Mother Nature's boobies. You don't think about that
stuff in 4th grade, but the sappiness comes through & we all ran around
making up parodies (which I have mercifully forgotten). But what can you
expect from an unfortunate whose mommy named him Joyce? He is at least modest
enough to admit, "Poems are made by fools like me". I do remember
the brilliant poet of silliness Ogden Nash's inspired take: The Song of the
Open Highway
I think that I shall never see
A billboard lovely as a tree.
In fact, unless a billboard falls,
I shall not see a tree at all.
Ah yes,
they were also environmental back there in the 50s when we thought it was all
about progress & earning a bundle after the war. Which inspires me to
compose my own poem, on the subject of the TV programming here in Denmark.
Meaning no disrespect for the brave soldiers & civilian sufferers of that
colossal tragedy, but:
I think that I shall never see
The final documentaree
About horrific World War II,
But think it's about time,
Don't you?
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