Thursday, October 2, 2014

Verdens korteste krimi / World's shortest crime story

Crime fiction is more popular than ever & Nordic Noir is a whole new genre in books, film & TV. Stieg Larsson & Jussi Adler-Olsen are the leaders here & I do not doubt their mastery of the genre. I just don't want to read or see it myself. Two of Adler-Olsen's books have been filmed & in both cases the trailers were quite enough for me. In a word - yuck! The second started today, but friends who saw the first one have confirmed my first impression; dark & gruesome - yuck! Some thought it was great anyway. The English title is poetic: The Keeper of Lost Causes, but the Danish title says it straight - Kvinden i Buret / The Woman in the Cage.

In hard times, say the gurus & critics, crime fiction is especially popular because it presents an awful situation - not unlike one's own only with murder as the spice - but you get the solution at the end & if you've guessed right you get that warm 'aren't I clever' feeling as well. Yep, that's us anno 2014 all right.

A month ago the Svend Awards were awarded here in Svendborg. They are audience awards where just plain folks vote for their favorites, professional reviewers go hang. Two years ago the big favorite film got a hard time from the critics, so the director gushed, very understandably, "These are the real awards!" Okay, films are made to please moviegoers & pack the house, but if the critics like your film as well, even better. The big winner this year was - you guessed it - The Woman in the Cage. They even had to think up a new award - Best Non-Danish Actor in a Danish Film - so co-star Fares Fares could join the fun. I voted for the film that is the Danish entry for an Oscar, an intimate & painful story about the director's marriage & career in the years after his wife killed their infant daughter (off camera). The Danish title is Sorg og Glæde, Sorrow & Joy. Who knows how they will translate it, but as usual the Danish title says it straight.

But just to show that even a Scrappy Old Bat can be up on trends, I here present World's Shortest Crime Novel / Krimi, in both Danish & English:

DK: Den lyd igen – han stod som lammet, bange, skamfuld. Hun var på fri fod nu og ingen kunne vide hvad den skøre jaloux kælling, han engang elskede, kunne finde på. Søg i mørket, rystende. Opfør dig som en mand. Han tog et enkelt skridt frem. Deres tykke røde kat gled frem fra skyggerne og kiggede op på ham, undskyldende.
    ”Dumme kat!”
    Han grinede så højt at han slet ikke hørte suset fra hendes kniv.

GB: That noise again – he froze, afraid, ashamed. She was free now, and who knew what that crazy jealous bitch he once loved might think up. Search the dark, shaking. Come on, be a man. He took one step forward. Their fat orange cat slipped from the shadows and looked up at him, apologizing.
    “Stupid cat!”
    He laughed so hard he never heard the whish of her knife.

My copyright, everybody. Aren't I clever?